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Steel Intelligence China

Issue 7-22 | July 8, 2022

Steel mills expectations towards a recovery in steel demand in China were high coming into June, with hopes that the easing of covid lockdowns in many areas of the country would enable pent-up demand to come rushing back, leading to a destocking of steel inventory and supporting higher steel prices. …

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Issue 6-11 | June 10, 2022

Covid has not ripped through China, but lockdowns have ripped apart its economy. The most productive areas of the country have been hit by lockdowns and other regions cannot get the goods they need to operate normally either. Chinaʼs top leaders have vowed to stick to dynamic zero Covid policies, …

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Issue 5-22 | May 10, 2022

Kallanish held its Asia Steel Markets 2022 (ASM22) online conference at the end of April with speakers covering the whole region. This issue of CSI will look at what the wide range of commentary and forecasting means for China’s steel industry and its role in the world

We will look …

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Issue 4-22 | April 13, 2022

China had entered 2021 with a plan to deal with the slowing economy and ensure stability. Even as it announced its targets in early March however, the world was changing. Covid in China and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have made achieving those targets much more difficult. Nevertheless, the targets …

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