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Steel Intelligence China

Issue 7-23 | July 13, 2023

China’s scrap market is shrinking, and has been for some time. That is unusual for a developing economy which should be seeing scrap availability surge. This issue looks at why that is, and how the trend might develop in future. After all, it was only recently that some analysts were …

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Issue 6-23 | June 7, 2023

Now that the panic in China’s steel markets has subsided, it is time to re-evaluate our assumptions for 2023. There is a clear need for downward revisions to the more optimistic outlook at the start of the year. However, demand is not as bad as sentiment and revisions should not …

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Issue 5-23 | May 12, 2023

China’s steel markets, and markets globally, lost confidence in April. Data shows steel demand continuing to recover, but not at the speed some had hoped. Positive Q1 data meanwhile has been followed by a slowdown in real estate and manufacturing in April. A resetting of expectations for the second half …

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Issue 4-23 | April 11, 2023

At the end of March Kallanish held its Asia Steel Markets conference in Ho Chi Minh City. It was the biggest and best to-date, and yielded a wealth of interesting views and data. This issue of the CSI goes through some of the highlights from the presentations, including regional steel …

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