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Kallanish Steel Weekly

19-24 | May 14, 2024

Issue 19, 2024 - This week's editorial: Singapore, Poland conferences debate raw materials, European blast furnaces

Conference season has roared into life, with last week seeing the annual Singapore International Ferrous Week and the Katowice-based European Economic Congress take place simultaneously, while the market was subdued in much of Europe due …

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18-24 | May 7, 2024

Issue 18, 2024 - This week's editorial: Restocking wait goes on, China exports could repeat 2015

ArcelorMittal pointed in February to signs of an apparent demand improvement, as the long destocking phase came to an end. But it turns out the wait for a rebound will have to go on a …

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17-24 | April 30, 2024

Issue 17, 2024 - This week's editorial: Raw material prices see-saw in Asia, robust in China

While Australian fob coking coal dipped during the week ended 26 April due to poor market sentiment, coke prices increased in China. Kallanish assesses that on Friday last week the ex-work price of Lvliang quasi-first-grade …

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16-24 | April 23, 2024

Issue 16, 2024 - This week's editorial: Europe flirts with deindustrialisation, must remain competitive: conference

European industry has to contend with costly decarbonisation while remaining competitive and ensuring business continuity, against a challenging backdrop of diverging attitudes between East and West. European deindustrialisation is taking place and needs to be tackled …

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