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Kallanish Steel Weekly

18 | May 5, 2020

Last week iron ore prices in China drifted slightly, though remaining at a relative firm level despite the uncertainties created by the coronavirus outbreak.

Ahead of the Chinese holidays for Labour Day, prices for KORE 62% Fe stood at slightly above $82/tonne cfr Qingdao. The KORE 65% Fe index, meanwhile, …

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17 | April 28, 2020

The World Steel Association (worldsteel) says that global crude steel output from its 64 reporting countries dipped year-on-year in March 2020 to 147.1 million tonnes, down by - 6%. “Due to the ongoing difficulties presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of this month’s figures are estimates from national and regional …

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16 | April 21, 2020

The World Steel Association has delayed its bi-annual outlook on global steel demand due to the uncertainties caused by Covid-19. Nevertheless, a big fall in overall steel demand this year is inevitable.

“After slower than expected growth in 2019, mainly due to the deep manufacturing recession in the developed economies, …

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15 | April 15, 2020

Last week BHP has said it has not seen any impact on its operations from the coronavirus, despite a small number of its staff globally testing positive. It notes there has not been any broad transmission between employees and that it has taken measures to reduce the risk of the …

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