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The Kallanish Glossary aims to be a useful resource for complex industry specific terminology. We are constantly adding to our glossary, so if you have a suggestion or amendment please do get in touch.

Next-generation battery

Power Materials

Next-generation batteries can charge, recharge, and discharge quickly; often while simultaneously cutting costs. The latest generation of EV and grid scale storage batteries have a higher capacity, a higher efficiency, and are longer-lasting, than standard lithium-ion batteries. New varieties of advanced batteries last with a high capacity for 20+ years; and can charge in minutes.

The most common type of high capacity, widely used, advanced batteries being developed today are lithium-ion batteries made in combination with other metals or other elements; creating a new battery technology, like li-ion cobalt oxide. A few other examples of advanced li-ion next-gen battery technologies currently on the market include: li-ion cobalt oxide, lithium iron phosphate, li-ion silicon, li-ion manganese oxide, li-ion sulphur, and li-ion solid state. 

The best-in-class batteries based on advanced li-ion chemistry are more efficient, greener, lighter, longer lasting, often rechargable; and have a higher capacity than conventional batteries. Advanced next-gen li-ion batteries could revolutionise battery technology for electric vehicles, grid storage, commercial/ municipal buildings, RVs, boats, and other several applications.

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