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China Steel Intelligence

Issue 53 | Aug. 6, 2020

China’s demand rush has left its prices so high that imports have become increasingly attractive. With China officially a net importer of steel in June, how long can this phenomenon last? Will the country still be absorbing global excess steel supply for the rest of this year and into 2021? …

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Issue 52 | July 6, 2020

China’s steel demand is now coming off record highs. A gentle decline is more likely than a price crash in the near term however. Chinese output is already adjusting away from pressured long products.

China meanwhile is also moving towards some longer-term goals. The vast Simandou iron ore deposit in …

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Issue 51 | June 8, 2020

China’s steel demand is set to grow this year despite, and in fact because of, the coronavirus. This does not mean the economy is strong. Consumer spending and employment remain problems and the financial burden that is slowing growth will become that much heavier this year.

Steel however is a …

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Issue 50 | May 6, 2020

The coronavirus is a new crisis, yet it is forcing China deeper into the same debate it has been struggling with for a decade. Q1 was expected to be weak, but the recovery in Q2 has disappointed. Now Beijing must decide exactly how and how much it wants to support …

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